It's a Sickness, I tell you!
Friday, August 03, 2007
I know I've not blogged much this week, but for good reason: one of the guys from the store has been on vacation this last week which means lots of overtime for me. It also means no extra time for blogging (or anything else, for that matter). However, I just couldn't resist sharing a find with you...
As some of you may know, I took up riding a motorcycle a couple months back. I purchased a 1981 Yamaha XJ650 Maxim. Let me tell you, it has been a lot of fun to ride. What a great bike! I highly recommend it to anyone. In addition to my learning to ride, I've been teaching my wife to ride my bike. Anyway, we decided that April needed her own bike, so we've been on the lookout for something similar to mine. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon an ad on Craigs List for a 1982 Yamaha XJ650J Maxim. Really, the only difference between the two is that this one is red where mine is black. (I must confess, a trade may be in the offing...) This one also has some extra dress-up do-dads, too.
Here's the actual picture listed on Craigs List:

It needs a little work, but I'm sure she'll be as good as her older brother. I'm excited about our first ride together. But enough of this... I'm off to ebay to see if I can get a rear turn light. The right one seems to have gotten broken somehow and needs some attention.
It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! I really won't believe it until I'm riding down the road though. lol I tell you what....I'll share with you in exchange for mechanical work k?
Don this is where shes got it all wrong if you want the bike make it your bike. All it will take is making "hers" run poorly and eventually she will get tired of it. Then you come to the rescue and offer her the other bike that in great running order. Its just that simple.
Andy D
LOL Andy, that is true up to a point. The point being double ended....I can read the manual just as well as him and I can turn a wrench as well. ;) No worries, I'll get them both detailed out nicely and he can choose. All I care about is getting the low back seat. I've got shorter legs than him and it's easier to get off the bike with a lower seat back.
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