The New Face of Political Discourse in Lake Stevens
Sunday, January 06, 2008

What do politicians plan to do with that much money, you ask? They'll probably be spending it on replacing damaged political signs. Was it a coincidence this Ron Paul billboard was seen facedown the Friday after this editorial ran? Unfortunately, I'd be willing to bet these Ron Paul for President signs weren't paid for by the Ron Paul 2008 campaign, but by a private citizen who now has to cover the costs of repairing his damaged sign.
But why are these signs needed? The writer really answered his own question when he stated he Googled Ron Paul. How else can voters learn about the candidates running for office? It surely can't be in the editorial sections of their local newspapers where they read statements like Ron Paul "has little chance of winning the Presidential election."
As a reminder, the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 29A.84.040 states, "a person who removes or defaces lawfully placed political advertising including yard signs or billboards without authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under RCW 9A.20.021. The defacement or removal of each item constitutes a separate violation".
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