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Season's Greetings

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays, everyone! I hear Santa's traded in his sled for a new ride...

Hearing Our Independence Declared

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A star-studded reading of the Declaration of Independence...

Claiming God's Endorsement

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I ran across the following political cartoon titled God's endorsement, in the Seattle PI yesterday...
Love it! Heeheeheehehehe Speaking of Ron Paul, I saw two rather large Ron Paul for President political signs at the corner of SR9 and Lundeen Park Way. If you look up on the hillside of the Northeast corner of that intersection, you'll see them prominently displayed. If I get a chance, I'll snap a picture for you to see.

Flooding at the Falls

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Those in Washington State are very aware of how much rain fell on the 3rd of December, but for those that live elsewhere I stopped by the local river at Granite Falls bridge and shot a few pictures and a short video to show the power of rushing water...
It was awesome!

Quote of the Day

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

This quote was taken from an email I received from Ron Paul's campaign web site. Mr. Paul prefaced this quote with the observation made to him by Rudy Giuliani on how many supporters Paul had...
As I looked out at the crowd, I thought: the establishment has no idea of what they are facing. We have an army of freedom, prosperity, and peace. As the LA Times political blog noted the other day, the British also thought they had no problem with the Americans--until Yorktown.
The Ron Paul Revolution is strong and growing stronger every day.

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