U.S. May Restrict Sale of Social Security Numbers
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Government-issued social security numbers are considered the key to identity-theft scams because they are frequently used as unique identifiers by banks and other companies that handle sensitive information, such as medical records.
"This is an industry still in denial, that still doesn't recognize how highly Americans value their privacy, and hopes to ride out this scandal," said Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Ed Markey, who has already introduced such a bill.
And another thing, from the quote above, "Government-issued social security numbers are considered the key to identity-theft scams because they are frequently used as unique identifiers by banks and other companies that handle sensitive information, such as medical records." Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm not), but weren't we all told that the social security number was not to be used as a form of identification? And here we see the very opposite happening. It's that whole "war is peace" thing.
Wait, we're not done yet. Drum roll, please. And now, for the police-state loop hole: Joe Barton, a Texas Republican, said "he would probably carve out an exemption for police investigations." The lawmakers don't want to hinder the access of the police state to your information, just private industry. After all, they're the biggest customers of these data-mining companies. The lawmakers are just tightening up access to your information. They never intended for these data-mining companies to sell your information to the private sector. They were set up so that government, via private companies, could keep tabs on all Americans. They just found a convenient way to "kick out" the private sector customers. Welcome to "The New America! You are free, as long as you obey!"
The Book Of The American's Creed
Monday, March 14, 2005

I came across this book at a second-hand bookstore in Snohomish, Washington. I’m always on the lookout for older books that describe how politics were viewed and approached by American Citizens before about 1930. It is my opinion that with the discarding of the gold-standard, the great depression, and the income-tax our country took a radical step away from where the Founding Fathers had intended our country to go.
This book is relatively short. I read the entire book in an afternoon. The intent of the book is to explain to the reader The American’s Creed. It tells the story of how the contest came to be, who won the contest, the roles of the parties involved, and most importantly, the meaning behind The American’s Creed.
I found the book rather compelling as it parallels many of my own libertarian-based beliefs of the proper role of government. It is interesting to see how life in the United States must have been in the early 20th century. The book explores the duties and responsibilities of the American Citizen as it relates to his/her government. It also explores such concepts as property rights, self-control and responsibility, and State and National sovereignty.
Open Border Policy and National Security
If you're like me and don't speak or read spanish, I've got good news. I've put together a translated version of this comic book. You can find it here. This comic book is packed full of really good information. Unfortunately, if the (Mexican) Secretary of Exterior Relations was really concerned with helping Mexican Citizens to immigrate into the U.S., they would have explained how to do it legally... not illegally!
For more information on this topic and our southern border, I suggest these articles by Frosty Wooldridge:
Immigration's Twenty Points of Reason
Immigration--Forget Bush: Go After Congress
Illegal Immigration: A Gathering Storm
America's Trojan Horse of Immigration
Bush's Guest Worker Atrocity Equals Third World Momentum
Colorado Governor Owens Undermines Federal Immigration Laws
Ten Reasons For Enforcing America's Immigration Laws
The Coming Break Up of America: Part 2
The Coming Break Up of America: Part 1
Draining America Into Poverty
Illegal Alien Handbook for Breaking Into America>
Frosty Wooldridge is an outspoken advocate for closing or tightening our borders with Mexico. Here's an excerpt from his news articles:
Write for that 28-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying madness. For you West Coast night owls, every Thursday you can catch yours truly in Las Vegas, Nevada on Mark Edwards’ "Wake Up America" talk show on 50,000watt KDWN-Am-720 10:00 PM to midnight PT, or on the worldwide internet at www.wakeupamericafoundation.com On the home page, click on ww.americanvoiceradio.com heard around the world. Five nights a week, Edwards engages patriots from across the nation to bring you the latest on this nation-destroying invasion. If you are affected by illegal aliens, please write 600 to 800 words for national publication. Your name will remain private.
As a final thought... I don't want anyone to getting the wrong idea. I do not have a problem with people immigrating into our country, as long as they do it legally. If they enter our country illegally, they are basically invading us. It's as simple as that.